1- ……………………………………. on behalf of Floor Owners

Address: ………………………………… İSTANBUL


………………………………………….. ….. / ISTANBUL

Phone: 0 (216) 504 69 85 – 0 (212) 999 80 01


………….. At the General Assembly meeting of the Floor Houses … According to this decision of the Houses of the Houses, except for the floor owners, Within the framework of the provisions of this contract

……………….. About Site Management is to be done by SIOMER.


The duration of the management is 1 (one) year in the apartments and 2 (two) years in the complex and … / … / ….. – …. It covers the period between … / … / dates.


Because of this duty of the manager, each flat is monthly ………..- (……………….) TL. Participation fee will be paid and this fee will be included in the dues that the floor owners are obliged to pay according to the finalized Operation Project.


1) To prepare and submit the Business Project within 1 week at the latest after the signing of this contract. (The natural gas fee will not be included in the operating project since it is collected when the invoice arrives.)

2) When the natural gas bill arrives, according to the account to be made according to the participation rate of the plot, notifying the cost to be paid to each flat and providing this amount to the bank account,

3) The administrator is responsible for managing the account opened on behalf of the Site / Apartment. The responsibility of the account management is the responsibility of the manager. Have the power to open in another bank.

4-) With respect to the dues not paid within the first 10 (ten) days of each month, the unrepresentative floor is authorized to follow up on the owner or tenant. If it is deemed necessary and can only issue a lawyer proxy as an apartment / site manager with regard to this matter. With monthly interest of 5%, he can make an executive order for unpaid dues. However, he will reflect his lawyer fees and enforcement costs on this subject to the floor owner who does not pay the debts.

5-) He / She is responsible for the payment of salaries, insurance premiums and declaration of the site / apartment managers, without payment, and the payment and signing of payroll.

6-) We are responsible for the payment of the natural gas price of the site / apartment with the automatic payment order to be given to the bank.

7-) He is responsible for all the expenditures to be made.

😎 It is the responsibility of the apartment auditor to inform him about the expenditures to be made and to have the accounts and records of the apartment with all kinds of supervision that the auditor will take when he thinks necessary.

9-) The Board of Housekeepers convenes extraordinarily in case of a demand by the inspector and within one week at the latest.

10-) To take the necessary precautions to make best use of the duties of the Site / Apartment Manager and to inform the auditor of any shortcomings in this matter as soon as possible.

11-) To convene the meeting and manage the meeting to make the ordinary meeting of the Board of Housekeepers without spending time in the administration period.

12-) Responsible for the functioning of other obligations arising from the Law of Condominium Ownership.


SİYOMER A.Ş is authorized for every term ………………

The owner will serve as an auditor.

– If the manager does not meet the terms of the contract, the Floor Owners Board has the unilateral right to terminate the contract.

– The addresses mentioned in this contract are the legal addresses of the parties,

It must inform the other party in writing of the change. Otherwise, this

The parties agree that any notification made to the addresses will be valid.

In case of disputes arising from this contract, Kadıköy court and executive offices are authorized.

………………………………….. Authorized Management Consultant on behalf of Floor Owners

