Article 1 – The principles regarding the application of the period of work are shown in this regulation.

Article 2 -The work period is the one where the worker is employed at work. The periods stated in the first paragraph of Article 62 of the Labor Code are also counted during the business. The interim rests given under Article 64 of the same law are not counted in the course of work.

Weekly and daily working time

Article 4 – For general maintenance, the duration of work is maximum 45 hours per week.

Daily working time:

A) 7.5 hours in workplaces working 6 working days a week,

B) 9 hours for workplaces that work 5 days a week on Saturdays,

C) At workplaces that are partially vacated on Saturday, the time to be found by dividing the remainder into five after the deduction of 45 hours of working on Saturday can not be exceeded.

When a worker is employed for a period exceeding these limits;

A) Articles 36 and 37.10 of Labor Law and Article 6 of Law No. 79

B) By-laws issued on the basis of Articles 35, 66 and 72 of the Labor Code.