General Provisions, Definitions, Use of Buildings
Classification and Building Hazard Classification
General provisions
Article 1- Purpose of this Regulation; Construction, operation, maintenance and use of all types of buildings, buildings, facilities and businesses used by public and private institutions and organizations and real persons before and during the fire that will minimize any loss of fire, life and property in the course of their design, construction, operation, To ensure the organization, training and supervision with the measures to be taken.
Article 2- This Regulation shall; Construction, construction and operation of all kind of buildings, facilities and open and closed areas in Turkey, fire prevention and extinguishing measures to be taken in order to minimize the hazards of the fire caused by heat, smoke, poisonous gas, suffocating gas and panic, Operation, maintenance and operation.
Legal basis
Article 3- This Regulation shall be amended as follows: Has been prepared in accordance with the Annex-9 article of the Civil Defense Law No. 7126.
Article 4- This Regulation shall; New constructions to be made after the date of enforcement and the existing structures to be subjected to substantial repairs and amendments necessitating the change of use or the necessity of obtaining a license and other structures, buildings, facilities and enterprises specified in this Regulation. Buildings that have been constructed before the date of enforcement of this Regulation and buildings that are under construction are considered as existing buildings.
Constant and mobile installations, including land and water, permanent or temporary, official, special underground and overhead construction and their additions, modifications and repairs, shall be defined as structurally qualified and shall deal accordingly.
The protection of buildings, buildings and facilities and training and exercise areas used for Turkish Armed Forces from fire shall be carried out according to the regulations to be prepared taking into consideration the provisions of this Regulation.
In the buildings which are registered as “Protected Necessary Cultural Assets”, the “Protection Committee for Cultural and Natural Assets” shall be consulted for the installations to be carried out in relation to fire safety, and detection, warning and / or extinguishing systems shall be implemented so as not to affect the property of the building.
In cases where clarification is not defined in this Regulation, Turkish Standards Institute (TSE) and European Norms (EN) standards are taken as basis.
No permission is granted in whole or in part to the construction which is found to be in violation of the conditions specified in this Regulation.
In the implementation of this Regulation, written opinion of the Ministry of Public Works and the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Interior shall be taken in case of doubts about the issues related to construction and this opinion shall be followed.
Duties, powers and responsibilities
Article 5- In the case of major repair and modification projects which require new construction production or a project change from existing buildings, the conditions of the building specified in the Regulation shall be taken into consideration according to the characteristics of the building.
In addition to other legal arrangements, the Projects are not subject to the building license if they do not comply with the requirements of this Regulation in terms of fire safety. In the event that it is determined that no new construction or manufacturing alterations are made in accordance with the principles stipulated in this Regulation in the constructions intended for use with the project modifications, building permission certificate and / or operation license shall not be given until such deficiencies are eliminated.
From the implementation of the provisions of this Regulation, investor organizations, property owners, employer representatives, design teams, architects and engineers, implementing contractors, manufacturers are in charge and responsible. In addition, the consultants, consultants, project supervisors, building supervisors and business executives involved in building production and use are responsible.
Fire extinguishing, detection and evacuation projects of buildings are prepared separately from installation projects. The projects shall be implemented on condition that they are approved by municipalities and municipalities within the boundaries of municipalities and municipalities.
Property owners, employer representatives, design team, architects and engineers, building supervisors, contractors, manufacturers and consultants involved in building production shall be held liable at the rate of defects from fire damage caused by failure to comply with the provisions of this Regulation.
The competent authority to issue a building license; Fire extinguishing, detection and discharge projects must comply with the provisions of this Regulation.
Insurance companies are obliged to check whether the provisions of this Regulation are complied with in the buildings, facilities and enterprises they request to insure against fire.
In order to encourage fire safety systems, visas, duties and similar fees will not be collected from the project approval services of the public institutions in any way.
General responsibilities and prohibitions
Article 6- General responsibilities and prohibitions in the implementation of this Regulation are stated below.
A) Notification of Fire: It is mandatory for any person who has seen a fire outside the control or who has seen smoke to tell it to the fire department without correcting it.
B) Park Prohibition: The use of fire extinguishing equipment for street and street vehicles and the passage of fire trucks will be difficultDuman Tahliyesi: Dumanın yapının dışına kendiliğinden çıkması ya da mekanik yolla zorlamalı olarak atılmasıdır.
Güvenlik Bölgesi: Binadan tahliye edilen şahısların güvenle bekleyecekleri bölgedir.
İtfaiye Asansörü: Kullanımı doğrudan bina söndürme ve kurtarma ekiplerinin veya itfaiyenin denetimi altında olan ve ek korunum uygulanmış özel asansördür.
Islak Sprinkler Sistemi: Boruları sürekli olarak su ile dolu durumda tutulan sprinkler sistemidir.
Kademeli Yatay Tahliye: Kullanıcıların bir yangından uzaklaşarak aynı kat düzeyinde yer alan bir yangın geçirimsiz kompartımana ya da alt kompartımana sığınmasıdır.
Kaçış Aydınlatması: Normal aydınlatma devrelerinin kesintiye uğraması durumunda armatürün kendi gücüyle sağlanan aydınlatmadır.
Kaçış Uzaklığı: Kat içinde herhangi bir noktada bulunan bir kullanıcının kendisine en yakın bir kat çıkışına kadar almak zorunda olduğu yolun gerçek uzunluğudur.
Kaçış Yolu: Binanın herhangi bir noktasından yer seviyesindeki cadde veya sokağa kadar olan ve hiçbir şekilde engellenmemiş bulunan yolun tamamıdır. Oda ve diğer müstakil hacimlerden çıkışlar, katlardaki koridor ve benzeri geçişler, kat çıkışları, zemin kata ulaşan merdivenler ve bina çıkışına giden yollar bu kapsamdadır.
Kamuya Açık Kullanım: Binanın, önceden kimliği bilinen kişilerin yanı sıra işi olan herkesin giriş-çıkışına açık olarak kullanılmasıdır. Otel, sinema, tiyatro, hastane, lokanta, okul, yurt, lokal, işyeri, açık ve kapalı spor tesisleri, eğitim ve dinlenme tesisi ve benzeri binalar, kamuya açık bina olarak değerlendirilir.
Konut: Ticari amaç gözetmeksizin bir ya da birçok insanın iş zamanı dışında barınma, dinlenme, uyuma amacıyla ikâmet ettiği, imar planında bu amaca ayrılmış olan ev, meskendir.
Kullanıcı Yük Katsayısı: Belirli tip yapılarda 1 m2 yüzey için olası kullanıcı sayısıdır.
Kullanıcı Yükü: Herhangi bir anda, bir binada veya binanın esas alınan belli bir bölümünde bulunma olasılığı olan toplam insan sayısıdır.
Kuru Boru Sistemi: Normalde içinde su bulunmayan ancak yangın durumunda itfaiyenin zemin düzeyinden su basabileceği düşey borudur.
Kuru Sprinkler Sistem: Çalışma öncesi borularının çoğunluğu hava ile dolu durumda tutulan sprinkler sistemdir.
Korunumlu Koridor/Hol: Bitişik olduğu mekanlardan yangına karşı dayanıklı yapı elemanlarıyla ayrılarak yangın etkilerinden korunmuş hol ya da koridordur.
Korunumlu Merdiven: Yangına karşı dayanıklı bir malzemeyle çevrili ve zemin düzeyinde bir son çıkışla güvenlikli bir alana açılan yangın merdivenidir.
Mevcut Yapı: Bu Yönetmeliğin yürürlüğe girmesinden önce yapımı tamamlanmış yada yapı ruhsatı verilmiş olan yapıdır.
Ortak Merdiven: Birden çok sayıda kullanım birimine hizmet veren kaçış merdivenidir.
Otomatik: İnsan müdahalesine ihtiyaç göstermeksizin bir fonksiyonu kendi kendine yerine getiren sistemdir.
Sertifikalı: TSE veya TSE tarafından kabul gören uluslararası bir onay kuruluşu tarafından test edilerek ilgili standartlara uygunluğu onaylanmış, ekipman, malzeme veya hizmetlerdir.
Sıvılaştırılmış Petrol Gazları (SPG veya LPG): Sıvılaştırılmış propan, propilen, normal-bütan, izo-bütan ve bütilen bileşiklerini veya bu bileşiklerin karışımlarını ifade eder.
Site: Herhangi bir şekilde çevresinden ayrılan ortak kullanım alanları, güvenlik teşkilatı ve sistemleri ve yönetim bütünlüğü olan konutlar veya işyerleri topluluğudur.
Son çıkış: Bir yapıdan kaçış sağlayan yolun yapı dışındaki güvenlikli bir alana (yol, cadde vb.) geçit veren bitiş noktasıdır.
Sprinkler: Yangınları söndürmek ve gelişen yangınları itfaiye gelinceye kadar sınırlamak amacıyla kurulan ve su püskürtmesi yapan otomatik sistemlerdir.
Sulu Boru Sistemi: Normalde sürekli olarak su ile dolu durumda tutulan düşey borudur.
Yangın Bölmesi (Bariyeri): Bina içinde, yangının ve dumanın ilerlemesi ve yayılmasını tanımlanan süre için durduran, yatay veya düşey konumlu elemandır.
Yangın Bölgesi (Zonu): Yangın durumunda, uyarı ve söndürme önlemleri diğer bölümlerdeki sistemlerden ayrı olarak devreye giren bölümdür.
Yangın Dayanıklılık Sınıfı: Bir yapı malzemesi ve/veya elemanını uygun ısıtma ve basınç koşulları altında TS 1263, TS 4065 ile ilgili Avrupa Standartlarında belirlenen yanmaya dayanıklılık deneyleri sonucunda saptanan yangına dayanıklılık süresini belirler.

A) F30 with a duration of fire resistance of 30-59 minutes,
B) F60, which has a duration of fire resistance of 60-89 minutes,
C) F90, which has a duration of fire resistance of 90-119 minutes,
D) F120 with 120-179 minutes of fire resistance duration,
E) The duration of the fire resistance is 180 minutes and the F180, which is the upper one.
Resistance to Fire: The resistance of a building component or element to fire by maintaining its load carrying, integrity and insulation properties for a determined period of time.
Firewall: A vertical element that stops the progression and spread of a fire for a defined period of time when volumes having different fire loads between two buildings or in the same building must be separated from each other.
Fire Safety Hall: Fire safety halls to prevent fire and smoke from passing through escape stairways.
Fire Gate: A door, cover or cap that allows users to circulate for air or objects in a structure, which is resistant to smoke, heat and flame passage when closed, for a certain period of time.
Fire compartment: A section (volume) in a building divided into smoke and heat-proof areas with fire-resistant construction elements for at least 60 minutes, including both top and bottom.
Fire Escape: In the event of a fire, escape ladder protected by fire, specially designed for safe and quick evacuation of people on board. The escape routes are a part of the whole and can not be designed independently of the other escape routes.
Fire Strength Period: The time during which the wood element is capable of bearing the actual load on it, with the decreasing cross section and the safety factor equal to 1.00, assuming a burning speed of 0.8 mm / min; Are taken into account in fire resistance calculations of wooden elements.
Fire Percentage: Specially equipped barriers used to protect the object, product or substructure that needs to be protected against fire or to spread the heat horizontally or vertically.
Type of fire: The type of fire is the type of fire according to the substance burning and the four classes are separated.
A) Class A fires are fires of flammable solid materials. Material fires such as wood, coal, paper, grass, documents, plastics enter this class.
B) Class B fires are flammable liquid fires. Material fires such as gasoline, benzene, machine oils, lacquers, oil paints, tar, asphalt enter this class.
C) Class C fires are flammable gas fires. Gas fires such as methane, propane, butane, liquefied petroleum gas (SPG), acetylene, gas, hydrogen enter this class.
D) Class D fires are burning light and active metals such as lithium, sodium, potassium, aluminum, magnesium, radioactive fires.
Fire Load: The magnitude obtained by dividing the sum of the products of the masses of the flammable materials and the values ​​of the lower thermal values ​​in a building section divided by the total area in the plane. (MJ / m²)
Building Owner: Real and legal persons who own property right on the building.
Construction Supervisors: construction contractors, project builders, designers, site supervisors and building supervisors involved in construction works.
Building Height: It is the total height of all floors built in the structure including basement, mezzanine and roof.
Tear Surface: It is a weak surface formed on the side wall of the closed section against explosion risk.
High Building: The building which is more than 21.50 m above the building height or 30.50 m above the building height is considered as high structure.
High Risk: High risk items are produced, used and stored.

Usage Classes of Buildings
Usage classes of buildings
Article 8- If there is any doubt about the use class of the building, the evaluation and the decision of the Ministry of Public Works and the Ministry of Public Works will be followed. Classes of buildings according to their use characteristics are:
A) Buildings,
B) Educational buildings,
C) Buildings for health care purposes,
D) Prison, prison and correctional institutions,
E) Accommodation buildings,
F) Commercial buildings,
G) Office buildings,
H) Industrial plants,
I) Storage facilities,
J) Mixed-use buildings.
Buildings for assembly
Article 9 – Buildings for assembly purposes; This includes all buildings or parts used for this purpose, where 50 or more people can come together for reasons such as ceremony, worship, entertainment, eating, drinking, transportation, vehicle waiting.
A) Shooting polygons,
B) Billiard halls,
C) Bowling halls,
D) Dance halls, discotheques, clubs and nightclubs,
E) Halls of trial,
F) Wedding halls,
G) Public libraries,
H) public radio, TV and film studios,
I) places of worship,
J) Road, air, sea and subway passenger stations, waiting rooms,
K) Club, association halls,
L) Conference rooms,
M) Assembly buildings,
N) Mills and art galleries,
O) Auditoriums,
P) Recreation centers,
R) Restaurants, restaurants, bars,
S) Health clubs and sports halls,
T) Exhibition and exhibition halls,
U) Cinema halls,
V) Theater halls,
Y) Ceremonial halls,
Z) Universities, academies, institutes and high school classrooms (50 persons and above) are in the scope of meeting for the purpose of meeting.
The sections which are used for the purpose of gathering in any building but which are suitable for the collection of less than 50 persons shall be subject to the classification of the use of the main building and shall comply with the rules of this Regulation of the Regulation.
Educational buildings
Article 10- Educational buildings; Includes buildings used for 6 hours or more per day, or more than 12 hours per week, for educational purposes, or used for such purposes, by 6 or more people, including senior secondary students.
A) Kindergartens,
B) Primary schools,
C) Secondary schools,
D) Private lessons,
E) Private schools are in the scope of educational buildings.
Other buildings belonging to educational institutions will be in compliance with the relevant articles of this Regulation.
Buildings for health care purposes
Article 11- Buildings for health care purposes; Treatment or care for a physical or mental illness or disability; Or parts of the buildings or buildings used for this purpose, which are used for the care of small children, convalescent or in need of care, and for which 4 or more persons may be admitted.
A) Nursing homes,
C) hospitals,
D) Nursing homes,
E) Health centers,
F) Health centers,
G) Nurseries,
H) Nails are in the scope of health care service buildings.
Prison, prison and correctional institutions

Article 12 – Prison, prison and correctional institutions; Where individuals are restricted in their freedom at various levels and whose activities are limited outside their control for safety reasons.
A) Prisons,
B) Islahevleri,
C) Drug addiction correction centers,
D) Detention houses are among the buildings used for this purpose.
Accommodation buildings
Article 13- Accommodation-purpose buildings; Used for normal accommodation purposes, with parts intended for sleeping.
A) Hotels, motels, bedrooms,
B) Dormitories, wards,
C) Holiday villagers,
D) Apartment buildings,
E) Hostels,
F) Single and double family houses are residential buildings.
Commercial buildings
Article 14- Commercial buildings include buildings used for the exhibition and sale of commercial properties or their parts used for this purpose.
A) Shopping centers,
B) Barber and hairdressing salons,
C) Large and multi-storey stores,
D) Shops,
E) Market and supermarkets,
F) Auction halls,
G) Restaurants and bars (less than 50 persons) are within the scope of commercial buildings.
Offices, warehouses and service departments which are used in connection with the sale of commercial goods and belong to the same building enter into the classification of commercial buildings.
Small commerce departments with a building that is principally in a different use class, for example a newspaper vendor within a business center, will comply with the rules for the basic use classification of the building.
Office buildings
Article 15 – Office buildings; All business services (excluding business services falling within the scope of business purpose buildings), accounting and registration procedures and similar works.
A) Outpatient treatment centers,
B) The banks,
C) Municipal buildings,
D) Audio, video and film recording stations, (non-public)
E) Doctors and dentist’s offices,
F) General office buildings,
G) Air Traffic Control Houses,
H) Public service buildings,
J) Radio and television stations,
K) Universities, academies, institutes, colleges and classrooms below 50 persons are in the scope of office buildings.
The sections used for office services in another building will be subject to the classification of use of the main building and will comply with the rules of this Regulation of the Regulation.
Industrial plants
Article 16- Industrial plants; The factory where all kinds of products are made and the buildings and structures for processing, assembly, mixing, cleaning, washing, packaging, storage, distribution and repair.
A) Sawmills,
B) Laundry,
C) Energy production facilities,
D) Gas facilities,
E) Food processing facilities,
F) Hangars, (for maintenance purposes)
G) Ports, dogs, wharves, filling and discharging facilities,
H) Every kind of factory,
I) Dry cleaning facilities,
J) Pump stations,
K) Refineries,
L) Telephone switchboards are in the scope of industrial buildings.
Storage facilities
Article 17 – Facilities for storage; All buildings and structures used for the storage or preservation of any goods, commodities, products, vehicles or animals.
A) Stables,
B) Warehouses,
C) Bulk oil deposits,
D) Goods warehouses and trustees,
E) Hangars (for storage purposes),
F) Truck parks,
G) Parking and garages.
H) Silos,
I) Tank farms,
J) Cold storages are in the scope of buildings for storage purposes.
Smaller storage areas of 50 m2 in another building will be considered as part of the main building.
Mixed-use buildings
Article 18- If a building is subject to two or more use classifications and these sections can not be separated from one another by a suitable fire partition for the higher hazard class or if it is not possible to apply separate protection measures because they are intertwined, The relevant rules apply to the entire building.
Building Hazard Classification
Hazard classification of buildings
Article 19- The danger of a building or a part of the scope of this Regulation is the danger ratings relative to the factors that constitute a potential hazard for the lives and safety of people living in buildings or buildings such as the start and spread of fire, smoke and gasses occurring during fire, danger of explosion.
The hazard class of a building or a section is determined by the characteristics of the building and the nature of the operations and operations carried out in the building. If there are substances with different hazard classes in different parts of a building, the application is made according to the highest hazard classification.
The hazard classification of a building or a section is made as low, medium and high as described below.
A) A low hazard is made up of materials with low flammability which do not allow a self-sustaining fire to occur. This includes residences, places of worship, hospitals, schools, libraries, museums, bureaus, restaurant seating areas, theaters, auditoriums and similar places.
B) Medium danger is composed of materials which are likely to burn by moderate speed and significant amount of smoke. This includes the parking lot, bakery, laundry, restaurant service areas, dry cleaner, leather production, commercial, paper production, post office, publishing house, printing house, automobile repair shops, textile production, tire production, carpenter shop and so on.
C) High hazard, consisting of materials which are likely to burn very quickly or are dangerous to explode. Aircraft hangars, places where flammable liquids and gases are produced, stored and distributed, places where flammable materials with a flash point of less than 38 ° C are used, plastic, plastic foam and similar materials production areas and dyeing plants are included.
General Fire Safety Regulations for Buildings
General provisions
Article 20- The general provisions explained in this chapter shall apply to buildings and wooden buildings which are distinguished, unless otherwise specified.
Building settlement
Article 21- While the development plans are being made, care shall be taken to separate the green belts from each other, such as housing, commerce and industry, in such a way as to allow the construction of fire pools and water supply points, and to distinguish these green belts from each other in terms of fire safety.
The fire precautions in the building classification will be taken into consideration when determining the reinforcement areas and settlement functions in the design of the development plans.
The length of zoning islands to be formed next to the newly planned area will not exceed 75 meters. Regulations for fire safety and access control are made in contiguous ordinal structures with a length greater than 75 meters and measures are specified by the plan author in the plan note.
In the construction and revision of plans, fire brigades will be allocated over 0.05 m² / person considering the planning area and population.
Access road to the building
Article 22- In order to reach to every building of the city, the fire brigades are required to pass the fire brigade all the way through the roads. According to the Highway Traffic Law no 2918 and the regulations issued based on this Law, the municipal traffic units and the Safety Traffic Branch Office are obliged to keep the roads open at normal times in order to prevent the roads of transportation especially due to the parked vehicles. They have the authority to open parked vehicles or private property by taking precautions that will not harm them in order to provide transportation in case of fire.
Inland roads are roads that provide access to any building from the main road. The usual width of inner roads is at least 4 m. And in the case of dead-end streets at least 8 m wide. In the bend, the inside radius should be at least 11 m, the outside radius at least 15 m should be at most 6%, the vertical curv must be at least R = 100 m radius. The free height shall be at least 4 m and the carrying load shall be at least 15 tonnes (10 tonnes of rear axle load shall be considered).
If the angle required for access to the building from the internal transport route is longer than the access facilities of the vehicles of the firefighter’s service station, the environment or garden walls that may prevent the firefighting vehicle from approaching the building will be weakened easily by the fire truck. In this way, the poorly constructed wall section will be at least 8 meters wide, will be visible with a red cross mark, and the vehicle will not be parked in front of it.
Building Carrier System Stability
Building carrier system stability
Article 23 – It is necessary to dimension the building conveyor system and its components so as to ensure that they are stabilized for a sufficient period of time to be safeguarded by people, either as a whole or as a whole, in a fire in the event of fire or extinguishing. These calculations are made in such a way as to provide the desired fire resistant or fire retardant duration. Additional calculations are required for special structures. Relevance given in TS 1263 will be used in the time-dependent development of temperature increase in the fire duration.
For the safety of fire, the use of structural elements which do not provide F30-B2 class of fire prevention at least in the bearing parts of the buildings is not permitted except in special cases in steel industry structures.
All steel structures which are not dangerous to the environment and which do not cause a temperature increase of more than 540 ° C in the flammable steel elements during the fire are considered to be resistant to fire without any measures against fire in the steel. Apart from this, steel structures must be properly insulated from the steel ceiling. Insulation can be made by spraying with fire-resistant spray plaster, painting with fire-resistant paint, wrapping with fire-resistant materials, box taking and massive insulation.
Adhere to TS 4065 standard in structural elements of reinforced concrete and pre-stressed concrete. In multi-storey and especially horizontal fire-rated buildings, the system is examined as a whole and additional constraints arising from the constraints of member expansion are taken into account. In order for reinforced concrete or reinforced concrete-steel composite elements to withstand a fire for 2 hours, the outermost parts of the steel profile or fitting (rust share) must be at least 4 cm. It must be covered with concrete in its thickness.
The fire resistance calculations of wooden elements are based on the burning rate. Burning speed is assumed to be 0.6 to 0.8 mm / min; The duration of fire resistance is assumed to be the time that the wood element is able to carry the actual load on it, with the decreasing cross section and the safety factor equal to 1.00.
At least 19 cm. If the paved carrier walls, arches, vaults and domes are built in accordance with other standards and regulations, there is no need for a separate control for short duration fires of 4 hours.

Chambers, Facades and Roofing
Fire partition
Article 24 – The buildings shall be equipped with vertical and horizontal fire divisions when necessary. If only loss of life is considered, there may not be fire divisions in single-storey office buildings, single-storey and open-air factories and warehouses in single storey detached houses with single or secondary exit.
If there is not a sprinkler system and a smoke evacuation system, the floor area of ​​the building areas outside the above mentioned buildings and industrial facilities is 2000 m² and the fireplace compartments that do not exceed 1250 m² in the buildings which are important for the safety of life such as rest homes, hospitals, nurseries, primary and primary schools It will be.
Vertical inner partitions and fire walls
Article 25- The fire walls of vertical inner panels and adjacent structures shall be designed to withstand a fire for at least 90 minutes. The separation intervals should not exceed 60 meters. The properties of these compartments and walls which are to be exhibited in the façade and the façade are specified in the relevant articles.
Holes will not have holes and spaces. If it is not possible to avoid spaces such as doors and fixed light windows in the divisions, they will be fire resistant and fire retardant at least half the fire resistance of the compartment. It is imperative that the doors are self-closing with an automatic equipment and are smoke-tight. The circumference of such semi-rigid cavities shall be free from all kinds of flammable substances. If water, electricity, heating, ventilation and similar installations pass through the fire compartment, the appropriate details will be used, which will not reduce the fire resistance of the compartment.
The fire resistance classes of building materials that can be used in fire walls and the behaviors observed in the fire are given in Annex-1, the fire resistance conditions required in normal building walls are summarized in Annex-4. The most two-storey houses, supporting walls, feet and columns should be at least F30-B2 class.
High-rise buildings with open buildings can be used with sliding sections or corridor dampers that are automatically closed during fire or are closed outside the hours of use.
The flammability classes of building materials and the behaviors observed in the fire are shown in Annex-1.
Carrier walls, floors and columns that do not exceed 2 times the height of the building are also allowed on the non-supporting walls of the high class buildings, 2 class high buildings which are at least F30-B2 class. The fire resistance requirements of the walls of normal buildings are shown collectively in Annex-4.
Horizontal partitions and upholstery Article 26- Except for the houses with maximum 2 floors with fire class F30-B2, all floors shall be resistant to fire for at least 60 minutes and shall be fire-retardant. In any case, the basement ceiling will be resistant to fire for at least 90 minutes.
Any floor which has resistance to the fire for at least 120 minutes and does not have gaps that flames can pass through can be used as a horizontal fire compartment.
It is forbidden to use suspended ceilings from class B2 and B3 materials except in detached houses.
The fire resistance requirements of the building upholstery are shown in Annex-4.
Article 27- The facades are vertical outer fire divisions. The exterior of the façade is a fireproof material. The facade elements and the places where the flats do not have gaps where the flames can pass must be insulated so that the flames do not jump on neighboring floors.
There should be at least 100 cm horizontally filled surface between doors, windows and similar facade cavities if they do not belong to the same interior volume. If these filled surfaces are a vertical fire wall or wall, they should be reinforced with vertical non-burning ribs that protrude at least 40 cm out of the building. Buildings used as housing are outside of this practice.
If special windows are not used for at least 30 minutes in the fire, horizontal flame propulsion ribs projecting at least 50 cm on the facade shall be arranged.
Article 28- The upholstery where the roofs are located should be in the form of a horizontal fire partition. In adjacent structures, it is forbidden to use B2 and B3 materials as roof coverings (upper insulation) in roofs.
Vertical fire compartments and fire walls shall be made in dimensions and qualities and at least 60 cm above the roof plane. Properties of the materials used in the detonation are shown in Annex-4.
Building Materials Used in Buildings
Building materials to be used in buildings
Article 29- Building materials of class B3 which are easily extinguished in terms of fire safety are not allowed to be used in construction. They can only be used in a composite or after conversion to a normally extinguished B2 class by taking special precautions.
The supporting walls, toes and columns in the two-quadrant buildings are built at least in the F90-A class. In the walls, the internal coatings and thermal insulation are at least normally extinguished B2; at high buildings B1 is the least difficult to extinguish; Outer coverings are made from at least B2 for buildings up to 2 kata and from non-fire A1 material for higher buildings.
Heat insulation from B3 grade material, which is easily extinguished on the floor, is allowed to be covered with a screed layer at least 2 cm thick. The floor coverings are made from at least B2, and at least the non-burning class A1 materials in high buildings.
The fire resistance requirements for normal building walls, upholstery, beams, stair halls, corridors and building materials are shown in Annex 2-6.
Fire resistance requirements for building materials and components in private buildings such as store buildings, meeting halls, garages and multi-storey industrial structures are shown in Annex 7-10.
Roof elements that can be accepted without any necessity and without depending on the inclination of the roof are those which are resistant to volatile burning and heat radiation. Roof coverings made of natural or artificial stones, concrete slabs, roof coverings and roof insulation made of asbestos cement platters, roofs made of steel or other metals and not containing insulation and covering layers of at least grade B1 materials.
Escape Routes, Escape Stairs and Special Situations
General provisions
Article 30- This section specifies the design, construction, maintenance and maintenance requirements for safe escape routes for users.
Any structure designed for use by humans will be equipped with sufficient emergency exits to provide quick escape of the user during a fire or other emergency. Exits and other measures will be designed so that in case of fire or other emergencies, safety of life is not based solely on a single prevention. Precautions shall be taken for the safety of individual measures against personal defects, mechanical failures or the possibility that they will be lost due to the present danger.
Each structure shall be made, maintained, maintained and operated in such a way as to protect the users from excessive risk of heat, smoke or panic for escape from fire or other emergency situations.
Each structure shall be equipped with hazardous outputs of type, number, location and capacity in accordance with the class of use, user load, level of fire protection, structure and height, in order to provide suitable escape possibilities for all users.
Each structure will be regulated and maintained in such a way as to provide the free and unobstructed dangerous outflows from each section by its use. To prevent free escapes from being blocked by any structure, it is possible to lock the doors or door locks, Components will not be installed. Authorized personnel will be allowed to use locksmiths in places where mentally handicapped, detained or imprisoned, where authorized personnel are on duty and have adequate facilities to transport users in the event of a fire or other emergency.
Each exit will be clear-cut, and the path leading to the exit will be clearly visible so that any person physically and mentally healthy in any building will easily understand the direction from any point. Any door that does not carry the exit trail, or the road leading to an exit, will be arranged or marked so as not to be confused with the actual exit. In the event of a fire, users will not be accidentally entered into stalemate areas and will be provided direct access to an exit or exit from the used rooms without having to pass through the spaces.
Where artificial lighting is required in a building, the regulations relating to the exit shall be placed in an appropriate and reliable manner in the lighting design and the escape routes shall be illuminated and directed in accordance with the principles set out in Part 3 of Chapter Five.
In the event of a fire, a fire warning system in accordance with the requirements in Part Four of the Fifth Section will be installed to warn users of the size of the building, where it is needed, depending on the intended use, and to initiate escapes.
Each vertical escape route and other vertical spaces between the floors of the structure shall be closed or protected in a suitable manner to prevent heat, smoke and other combustion products from escaping into the floors by escaping from these spaces before and during escape.
Compliance with this Directive will not be interpreted as a reduction of other responsibilities related to the safety of those who use it under normal conditions, or in the way that they will be removed from practice. In addition, none of the provisions of the Regulations shall be construed as permissible in any circumstances which may cause danger during normal use.
Escape Routes
Article 31- A real escape route is the whole continuous and unimpeded escape route from any point of a structure to the street level floor. As a whole within the scope of escape routes;
A) Exits from rooms and other independent spaces,
B) Corridors and similar passageways on each floor,
C) Floor outlets,
D) Stairs leading to the ground,
E) The roads leading to the final exit of the same floor structure from the stairwells on the ground floor,
F) Final exit, inclusive.
Elevators can not be considered escape routes. Windows and parapet windows up to 120 cm above the height of the parapet height and at least 3 m above the exterior, open to the security zone outside the building, with a minimum glass width of 90 cm and a height of 90 cm can be considered escape routes unless otherwise required.
Determination of the escape routes shall be based on the class of use, the user load, the floor area, the distance to the exit and the capacity of the exits. Each floor will be provided with output facilities according to the user’s load and the longest escape distance.
Escape ladders arranged on any floor above the ground floor can serve all normal floors at the same time. Escape stairs arranged on any floor under the ground can also serve all basement floors.
Different sections or floors are to be determined on the basis of the type of use for which the most stringent escape requirements are required or the requirements for the building structure or floor structure are to be determined for different types of use Article 32- According to the gross area to be used in the calculation of the user load, necessary escape and panic, 1.0 m2 / person, dance halls, bars, game rooms and other places in the conference hall, restaurants, waiting rooms, concert halls, public open studio, 10 m2 / person in hospital bedrooms, 2 m2 / person in supermarkets, 7 m2 / person in shopping centers, 30 m2 / person in shopping centers, 1.0 m2 / person in stand areas of similar places, 0.50 m2 / person in standing areas, People will be taken.
For outlet width, the capacities of exit doors, escape ladders, corridors and other escape routes shall be calculated by taking a width of 50 cm. Unless otherwise stated, the duration of evacuation from the unit width will be 3 minutes for masonry structures and 2 minutes for wooden structures, 50 cm. It will be accepted that 40 people can pass in a minute from the width.
The output number will be found by adding the value 1 to be obtained by dividing the output width by two, and an upper value of 0.50 den is assumed to be an upper value. For example, the user load of a supermarket of 1000 m2 is 2000 persons, the output width is 2000 / (3×40) x0.5 = 8.34m, the number of outputs is 8.34 / 2 + 1 = 5.
Unless otherwise stated, at least two doors will be found to reach the outlets, in all places where 50 persons are exceeded, in entertainment places such as cinemas, theaters, bars, etc., where 25 persons are exceeded, and in high-risk places. If the number of people exceeds 500 people, there will be at least 3 outings. The doors will be as far away from each other as possible, and the two doors will not appear at any point less than 45 degrees from a point.
Table 1: Longest escape distances leading to exits
Maximum distance in one direction (m) Maximum distance in two directions (m)
Usage Class
High Danger 10 20 20 35
Industrial 15 25 30 60
Dormitories, Bedrooms 15 25 30 60
Shops, shops 15 25 45 60
Bürolar 15 30 45 75
Car parks 15 25 45 60
School and education buildings 15 25 45 60
Meeting places 15 25 45 60
Hospitals 15 25 30 45
Hostels, Hostels 15 20 30 45
Apartment units 15 30 30 60
The escape distance can not be greater than the values ​​given in Table 1 according to the use class.
A) The distance from the farthest point to the nearest exit in a used floor with a design of at least two outputs shall not exceed the limits specified in Table 1.
B) A large floor area separated by rooms, corridors and similar subdivisions shall be accepted if the direct (bird flight) escape distance does not exceed 2/3 of the maximum allowable escape distance in Table 1.
C) The farthest point to measure escape distance shall be 40 cm ahead of the walls surrounding the space.
D) The distance from the escape route to the exit gate leading to the asylum area (eg hospital) where the asylum area is provided instead of the forced exit.
Escape route width
Article 33- The width of an escape route shall not be less than two unit widths, ie 100 cm., In buildings which are narrower in width than the values ​​calculated according to Article 32, no escape escape escape routes or other escape routes and the total number of users is more than 50 persons.
The maximum width of escape stairs will not exceed 200 cm. Stairs with a width of more than 200 cm shall be separated by not more than 100 cm and not more than 200 cm by railings. While the exit capacity of the escape ladders is calculated, the excesses of 200 cm will not be counted.
In locations where two outlets are required, each outlet will be wide enough to accommodate at least half of the total user load.
Widths will be measured as clean width.

A) in escape stairs; If the staircase is surrounded by walls, clean width is the measure between the finished surfaces of both walls. If there is a guardrail on one side of the wall on one side of the stairs arm, clean width is the measure between the finished surface of the wall and the inner surface of the guardrail. If there are balustrades on both sides of the stair strand, clean width is the measure between the inner surfaces of the balustrades, and the stalls on both sides will not protrude more than 80 mm.
B) at the exit gate; Clear width at the single-winged door, the width of the door frame or the surface of the wing that has been opened 90 degrees by the projection of the lamp. The clean width of a single winged exit door will not be much less than 120 cm den at 80 cm den. The clear width at the two-winged door is the measurement between the wing surfaces when both wings are 90 degrees open.
The following requirements shall be observed for all exits and access routes.
A) Exits and access routes can be seen clearly or their locations will be highlighted and will be kept free from obstructions so that they can be used at any time.
B) For each user / tenant located in a building or its floors, direct access to an exit or outlets shall be provided without having to pass through the rooms or spaces used by other users / tenants.
Fire safety hall
Article 34- The fire safety guards to prevent the passage of smoke to the escape ladders shall be designed so as not to obstruct the movement of the user in the escape route and the floor area shall not be less than 3 m². The floor will be inclined towards the exit door in the elevator hall, not exceeding 1/200. Corridors and halls which do not contain any flammable material and which are separated by a door from their use area are considered fire safety volume.
Requirements for escape routes
Article 35- For all structures, escape routes shall be provided by using one or more of the following possibilities. As long as the construction is in use, the compulsory exits shall be kept easily accessible, the doors shall be opened and there shall be no obstacles in front of them.
Corridor escape corridors and passageways
Article 36- The following requirements shall be sought for the corridors and passageways with respect to the internal escape corridor.
A) Protected corridor or guarded halls serving as an escape route in a building or building level will be resistant to fire for 60 minutes in 3 or less storey structures and 120 minutes in structures higher than 15.50 m.
B) Internal escape corridors and passageways shall have the following characteristics.
1) An escape corridor / gate opening doors shall be equivalent to fire escape doors opening to the escape ladders and shall be equipped with automatic self-closing arrangements.
2) The minimum width and capacity of the internal escape corridor shall comply with the values ​​determined according to Article 32.
3) Code differences of up to three steps to be done up the escape corridor will be connected with ramps of maximum 10% inclination. The ramps will be equiped with equal security measures and the incline will be kept constant. The floor will be covered with non-slip material.